Return Policy & Shipping

If you wish to return your item*, we must receive your request at within 15 days of the date you received your item. We’ll accept return requests for items that are unused, with the original packaging, in the same condition it was received. We do not accept returns for used items, worn items or gift cards.

In the event that you receive a damaged or defective item, we will happily exchange the item for a new one. Please email a picture of the shipping package in the condition in which it was received and pictures of the damaged item(s) to within 15 days of receiving your product to request a replacement product.

After your return/exchange request to has been approved, you may ship the package and send us the tracking number. You are responsible for paying for the return shipping costs. We do not provide return shipping labels or shipping materials.

Once we receive your returned item, our team will inspect the item. We will send you an email to confirm that we’ve received your item and your refund has been processed. The money will be refunded to your original method of payment within two weeks minus your original shipping total. All payment companies are different in the amount of time it takes to confirm a payment, so it will likely take a minimum of a few days for the refund to show up in your bank statement.

Note: Second String Leather Company is not liable for the following; packages which are "undelivered" as claimed by customer, which also have valid confirmed delivery confirmation via order tracking information, as well as customer mistakes within address entry upon order submission, if your order arrives back to our studio after first shipping attempt as "no such address" or "undeliverable", additional shipping cost will apply to the order. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please reach out to us at

*Does not apply to belt orders, monogrammed products and custom program products. Unfortunately we cannot accept returns on monogrammed products unless the product is damaged from the manufacturing process.

 To return a product, contact our customer service here.

Product Cleaning/Washing Information:

We advise customers to wash apparel such as t-shirts and hoodies inside out and hang dry. The cleaning of our hats with a dishwasher or regular washer unit is not advised and is done at the digression of the customer. We are not liable for any items damaged during the cleaning process. After washing, the item is nonrefundable.

We suggest using a warm wash cloth to spot treat the hat, allow for the hat to air dry after. Reach out to us with any questions regarding the washing process of our goods.